Aluminium Windows & Doors

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Aluminium Windows

Manufacture, supply & installation of Aluminium windows & doors

Our Aluminium Windows & Aluminium Doors Are Manufactured With Thermally Broken Properties Making Them Superior To Other Domestic Window & Door Products In Every Way.

Whether replacing your old windows and doors or having a new build home, Prestige Architectural has a huge range of aluminium windows, doors,hybrid doors and bi fold doors to suit any home. We have supplied and installed aluminium windows and doors to small terrace houses,huge countryside mansions and everything in between.

Our service is unbeatable for quality of materials, turn around time and the UK's best installation engineers. All of our aluminium windows, doors and bi folds are made in our purpose built factory here in Manchester and powder coated to the RAL colour of your choice. Feel free to browse our aluminium windows and doors portfolio and get in touch today to discuss what we can do for you.

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Aluminium Windows

We have an extensive range of options when it comes to the perfect aluminium windows for you and welcome customers to visit the showroom to see our high quality aluminium windows up close, giving you confidence and piece of mind when choosing Prestige Architectural.

Our aluminium windows can be finished with a variety of locking mechanisms and locking handles that are both extremely secure and stylish too. All of our aluminium windows are 100% compliant with building regulations.

All of our Aluminium windows have fantastic U-values and can be made to suit single, double or even triple glazed glass depending on your preference. With Prestige Architectural Ltd you get stylish aluminium windows with an outstanding thermal performance.

Aluminium Doors

Aluminium windows and doors are becoming more and more popular due to the modern flair they exude, the aluminium frame work is slim with crisp lines and edges. This material allows you to enjoy unrivalled standards without any of the bulk that comes with timber or uPVC.

All of our Aluminium Doors are manufactured with the highest grade aluminium and feature multiple locking points and strong steel hinges making them extremely secure when compared to standard pvc doors.

All of our Aluminium doors have fantastic U-values and when accompanied with double or triple glazing offer unbeatable thermal properties.

Curtain Walling

Our aluminuim curtain wall systems offer slim crisp lines with large areas of glass and minimal interruption from fram-work.

The amazing thermal properties gained with the installation of aluminium curtain walling is another attribute that adds to the other list of reasons to choose an aluminium curtain wall for your home or business. Our U curtain wall U-values of 1.4 W/m2K can be achieved with standard double glazing. Prestige Architectural Ltd also offer a range of hybrid aluminium and timber curtain wall frames, with the internal section comprising of the highest quality timber.

Roof Lanterns

Our Aluminium Roof Lanterns can be fabricated in a wide range of bespoke designs to suit any project requirement or design preference. The aluminium Roof Lanterns are powder coated in your choice of colour and can be dual colour for internal and external properties. We glaze our roof lanterns with the highest quality toughened glass for your security and peace of mind.

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